Unit 7 Level 3 (Upper Intermediate- Advanced) Past Tense- Regular Verbs

So you think you already know how to pronounce the regular verbs?

Test yourself!

1) Watch this video.

Not sure you understand this explanation? Check level 1 of this Unit, then.

2) Practice makes perfect! So start using the regular verbs with your language exchange and ask him to correct your mistakes. You can use this list of regular verbs to make the sentences.

3) Now let's learn some vocabulary with this visual dictionary. Choose 10 words and make 3 sentences with each, then check on the internet if there are similar sentences on native speakers' sites.
Remember: Always listen to the sound of the new word first. Never learn new words just by reading! You can use Howjsay to learn how the words sound.

4) Listen and read this story. You should learn all the vocabulary and practice pronunciation. And, for the most daring, read this article from The Economist.

5) Finally, write a short story about yourself using regular verbs. You can check these short story tips Remember: Check your sentences by comparing them to native speakers' sentences on the internet.

If you have done all the exercises, then you've scored a 10! Congratulations! Imprimir

1 comentarios :

Anónimo dijo...

Este blog es una mina de oro.......y o lo digo por querer sacar provecho de el.......si no por la riqueza en las lecciones como en esta y la simplificidad con q fue explicado el tema uno de los q mas he batallado....la verdad gracias y quisiera saber donde encontrar reguares sonidos de palabras y verbos con diptongos y vocales cuales pronunciar y como por q aun batallo en ello y me da miedo hablar por esa razon....por todo gracias!

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