Cómo presentarse en inglés en un minuto

El arte de la comunicación a veces requiere flexibilidad. Por ejemplo, saber cuando resumir o saber cuando desarrollar un argumento. Una buena técnica para presentarte y tu empresa en inglés en un evento internacional es el 1 minute script (el guión de un minuto). Este guión tiene su lógica, porque primero tienes que captar la atención de tu interlocutor y después tienes que plantar la idea básica de tu empresa en su mente. El 1 minute script tiene 5 pasos para seguir:

1 minute script

1. “We work with….”

2. “Who have a problem with…”

3. “What we do is…”

4. “So that…”

5. “Which means…”

We work with: Be specific about your target market (e.g. market segment)
Who have a problem with: Focus on their main problem, the one that gives them sleepless nights. People pay special attention to someone talking about their main problem, just because they might actually learn how to solve it.
What we do is: Explain how your product or service solves their problem. Be clear, simple and concise and write one sentence of 15 words or less.

So that: Explain the function the customer receives. For example, Blackberry enables you to instantly receive and send emails from anywhere in the world.

Which means: List only the top 2 or 3 benefits.

(E.g.) A Management Consultancy that works with Directors of SMEs (PYMEs)

We work with the managing directors of fast-growing SMEs.

Who have a problem with the pains of managing fast growth.

What we do is we use our 15-20 years experience as directors of fast growing SMEs to work with them to develop practical solutions.

So that you get practical and quick-to-implement business solutions.

Which means that you can exceed your targets and have the business and lifestyle that you want.

Ahora haz tu propio ejemplo y manádmelo por correo-e a cwright@thepracticeoffice.com para recibir tu feedback.

Christopher Wright
The Practice Office

Una inmersión trabajando en inglés en España.
http://www.thepracticeoffice.com/ Imprimir

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