Unit 38 Level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced) Reflexive Pronouns

Sure you remember how to use reflexive pronouns, don’t you? In a previous lesson we explained that these pronouns are used when the subject and the object are the same person or thing, or when we want to put emphasis on a particular noun which can be either the subject or the object of a sentence.

1) Let’s brush up a bit on this with the following video.

2) However, there are some other uses of reflexive pronouns apart from the two mentioned above. When used at the beginning or end of a sentence and separated by a comma, as in “Myself, I don't like the idea of having one of your representatives reviewing our work”, the reflexive pronoun means “As far as I’m concerned”.

3) Furthermore, there is a number of fixed expressions in which the verb’s taking a reflexive pronoun makes its meaning change a bit. Let’s read some theory about this here and here.

4) Time to do some exercises:

Exercise 1
Exercise 2

Now, translate the following sentences into English.

a) En más de una ocasión me he metido detrás de la barra y me he servido una copa, ya que todo el personal desparecía durante 15 minutos o más.

b) Las chicas tenían hambre, así que se sirvieron tarta.

c) Encontraron el camino de vuelta sin ayuda de nadie.

d) Hay un pequeño porcentaje de alumnos que no se comportan como deberían.

e) Con la lluvia todavía cayendo cuando abandonábamos la ciudad, tuvimos que conformarnos con comprar una postal que nos diese una idea de cómo es la ciudad cuando sale el sol.

5) Are you ready to put your listening skills to the test? Listen to these dialogues and answer the questions:

Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2

6) Use the above exercises to practice with your language exchange. You don't have a language exchange? What are you doing? You must have one if you don't have a teacher.

7) Now, let's learn some vocabulary:

Advanced Vocabulary Quiz 1
Missing Word Quiz: USA
Miscellaneous Vocabulary
Noun Usage

8) Listen and read this story. You should learn all the vocabulary and practice pronunciation. And, for the most daring, read this article from The Economist.

9) Finally, write a story of about 200/250 words using as many sentences like those you have learnt in this unit. You can use examples from the sentences above.

If you have done all the exercises, then you've scored a 10! Congratulations!


Key to exercise 4:

a) On more than one occasion I've gone behind the bar and helped myself to another drink because the entire staff disappeared for fifteen minutes or more.

b) The girls were hungry, so they helped themselves to the cake.

c) They found their way back by themselves.

d) There's a small percentage of studentswho don't behave themselvesthe way they should.

e) With the rain still falling as we left the town, we had to content ourselves with buying a postcard which gives an impression of what the town is like when the sun comes out.

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