Unit 45 Level 3 (Upper Intermediate - Advanced) Any more, Any longer, No Longer

Back to work after the summer break! This time, our free weekly lesson will be devoted to the adverbs “no longer”, “any more” and “any longer”, which we use to indicate that a particular situation has changed.

1) Let´s start by reading some theory here and here.

2) Sure you already know how to use these expressions so, let’s try this translation exercise.

a) No se ha tomado tal decisión y, por lo tanto, ya no se aplican las disposiciones pertinentes.

b) Ya no confían en que la ciencia y la tecnología resuelvan los problemas medioambientales.

c) Personalmente, creo que el tiempo trabaja en nuestra contra, que Europa ha estado esperando durante años y que no tiene sentido seguir esperando durante más tiempo.

d) En vista de todos estos hechos, no podemos permitir que esta situación se prolongue.

e) Una vez hayas validado tu respuesta, ya no podrás volver atrás para cambiarla.

f) Estamos trabajando en ello para que estos requisitos no sean necesarios en lo sucesivo.

g) La consolidación comienza en la primera fecha en la cual el control existe, y termina cuando tal control ya no existe.

h) Sé que hay ciertas personas que ya no pueden pagar sus medicamentos

3) Time to hone your listening skills with some dictation exercises. Let the music play!

Exercise 1 (click on expert)

Exercise 2 (click on expert)

4) Practising with your language exchange is a “must”. Use sentences and expressions like those you have just learnt. Remember: Make sentences and repeat them aloud.

5) Now let's learn some vocabulary with The Economist. Choose 15 words you don't know from the following text, find their meaning, and make 5 sentences with each. Then, check on the internet if there are similar sentences on native speakers' sites.

6) Listen and read this story. You should learn all the vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

7) Finally, write a story of about 200/250 words using the expressions we have reviewed in this unit. You can use examples from the exercises above.


Key to exercise 2:

a) No such decision has been taken and therefore the relevant provisions do not apply anymore.

b) They no longer assume that technology and science will fix environmental problems.

c) Personally, I think that time works against us, that Europe has been waiting for years and that there is no point in it waiting any longer.

d) Given all these facts, we cannot allow the situation to continue any longer.

e) As soon as you have validated your answer, it is no longer possible to go back and change it.

f) We are working on this issue and these requirements will not be needed anymore.

g) The consolidation begins at the first date on which control exists, and ends when such control no longer exists.

h) I know there are certain people who can't afford their medicines anymore

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