Unit 44 Level 3 (Upper Intermediate - Advanced) As: As If, As Though

In this week’s lesson we are going to review how to use a couple of conjunctions which, being similar in meaning, may indicate doubt or improbability: “as if” and “as though”.

1) This time, instead of watching a video, let’s start by reading some theory in English here and here. As you can see, both expressions are very easy to use.

2) Now, translate the following sentences into English.

a) Scotland Yard investigó a uno de sus propios agentes como si se tratase de un enemigo del estado.

b) Durante semanas, el anterior gobernador de Massachusetts ha estado actuando como si fuese el candidato republicano, haciendo campaña en contra del Presidente Obama.

c) Los críticos han acusado a Masaba de tratar a su familia como si fueran esclavos, pero sus padres lo han defendido vehementemente y han explicado que no es cierto.

d) Durante mucho tiempo, Haubegger se sintió como si no acabara de integrarse ni en el mundo de los blancos ni en el de los hispanos. De modo que creó una revista que ayudaría a las mujeres a integrarse en ambos.

e) No es como si no tuviéramos ninguna prueba que pudiese servirnos de guía.

3) Put your listening skills to the test with this song performed by Neil Diamond titled “As If”. Watch the video and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

It was more than a matter of knowing
All the words that we finally said
It was more than the coming or going
All the things that remain in your head
It was more than a matter of __________
And needing
The __________ things I gain

As if I ever cared to make you cry
Could've been right
You know that it was
And yet you knew I was sorry
I __________ to make you cry
As if I would
As if I could
As if I tried

But the words that we finally spoken
Like the thoughts that __________ in my soul
And the hearts that were finally broken
An ________ that would never be whole
And the words that I never told you
I could have told you
The foolish things I've said

As if I ever cared to make you cry
I __________ been right
You know that I was
And yet you knew I was sorry
I dared to make you cry
As if I would
As if I could
As if I tried

As if I ever cared to make you cry
I could've been right
You know that I was
And __________ you knew I was sorry
I dared to make you cry
I could've been strong
But the words didn't __________
All the things that would come between us

4) Where is your language exchange? Use these examples from the sentences in #3 as topics for a conversation.

5) Don’t forget to learn new vocabulary. Extract all the words you don't know from this article from Newsweek Magazine titled “How To Raise A Global Kid”. Look the new words up in an English-English dictionary like this one.

6) Listen and read this story. You should learn all the vocabulary and practice pronunciation. And, for the most daring, read this article from Forbes.

7) Finally, write a story of about 200/250 words using the expressions we have reviewed in this unit. You can use examples from the exercises above.

See you in September! Have a nice summer break!


Key to exercise 2:

a) Scotland Yard investigated one of its own officers as though he was an enemy of the state.

b) For weeks, former Massachusetts Governor has been acting as if he already is the Republican nominee, campaigning against President Obama.

c) Critics have also accused Masaba of treating his family like slaves, but his parents have strongly defended him and explained that it's not true.

d) For a long time, Haubegger felt as though she didn't fit completely into the white world, nor the Hispanic one. So she created a magazine that would help women fit into both.

e) It is not as if we are without any evidence that may help to guide us.

Key to exercise 3:









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